CST LaunchPad
Pilot Prototype App
My Role
Contextual Inquiries
User Interviews
Affinity Diagram
Interactive Prototyping
Four Weeks
The Challenge
A brand new initiative at CST: Research and design CST LaunchPad and to inquire about the potential use CST's forthcoming scannable vial and companion device. The scannable vial design is meant to increase production efficiency, while also combating the counterfeiting problem in China. The companion device acts as a holder of the vial and provides a magnifier at the base, enabling scanning. The CST LaunchPad app needed to be able to scan the vial and provide a host of other features for its users. In order to achieve this, we had to gain an understanding of the users' mental model, including examining their experiment processes. Additionally, we explored how to elicit behavior change.
User Research
User research consisted of contextual inquiries, followed by one-on-one interviews. All eight participants matched CST's Daniel the Decision Maker persona, which covers 80% of CST's customers.
Affinity Diagram
After user research was completed, an Affinity Diagram was crafted to arrive at key findings.
"I would not waste my time with this scanning - it's too difficult."
"Having all that information at my fingertips would be awesome."
Key Findings:
- Personal incentives are a must to elicit behavior change and achieve user adoption of the app (Amazon or Starbucks gift cards)
- In addition to the standard summary information, participants want clone, lot number and data sheet information
- Vial labeling was top pain point; the new vial hat was well received, but 80% would prefer a smaller sized hat
- User performance was much better when supplied with an assembled device
- Use of scanner and stand configuration was difficult - no participants were able to scan successfully without assistance
Ideation & Sketching
With research completed, we launched into ideation and sketching. The initial hand sketches were completed by another designer, which I then reviewed and provided suggestions for improvement.
I then created a set of digital wireframes, from user onboarding through scanning of first vial.
Interactive Prototype
Final Thoughts
Working on CST LaunchPad was a lot of fun. It's not often that UX designers get to also explore the human factors side of physical products, while researching and designing an app. With an interactive prototype now in place, the next step should be a round of moderated usability testing.
© 2016